Meeting with Stefan Chwin, Professor of Gdańsk University, a prose writer and essayist, the author of, among others, such novels as: Krótka historia pewnego żartu/The Short History of a Certain Joke, Hanemann, Esther, Miss Ferbelin, and Dziennik dla dorosłych/A Journal for Adults as well as critical works Treason in Literature and Suicide as an Experience of Imagination.
Late night reading of Filidor dzieckiem podszyty/Philidor’s Child Within. The reader was Edyta Jungowska, an excellent actress known for more than 30 roles in the TV theatre and an excellent monodrama based on Gombrowicz’s short story Virginity. Concert by Mirosław Czyżykiewicz, a classic of Polish literary song who in 2011 celebrated two important jubilees - artistic and personal one. 17 May.
The host was Dominika Świtkowska.
Directed and performed by Sławomir Holland, script writers: S. Holland and Jacek Bursztynowicz.
Directed by: Maria Kwiecień: text and performance: Kinga Kaczor; music (accordion): Karol Śmiałek.
The programme included the compositions of, among others, Jonasz Kofta, Jeremi Przybora, Marek Grechuta, Wojciech Młynarski, Włodzimierz Wysocki and Edward Stachura.
Lyricism, dynamics and irony – it is how this very successful concert can be summarised.
Meeting with two poets of the younger generation: Agnieszka Mirahina and Szczepan Kopyt. The host of the meeting was Dominika Świtkowska.
Lena Ledoff’s second visit to Wsola. The programme included jazz impressions revolving around the works of Polish classics and French and Russian film music.
Varsovia Piano Trio (Adam Zarzycki – violin, Piotr Hausenplas – cello and Ewa Skardowska – piano) and Gabriela Kurylewiczfot. Ewa Witkowska
A concert with participation of Ewa Cybulska, Wojciech Karolak, Piotr Cieślikowski and Arek Skolik.fot. Ewa Witkowska
The “Pustki” group was set up in August 1999. The group has released five albums.
1st Gombrowicz Panel Discussion on Using Gombrowicz’s texts, or What We Do With the Classics?
Participants: Jerzy Sosnowski –a writer, historian and literary critic, journalist of the Trójka Radio, feature writer and columnist of a monthly Więź; Krzysztof Kopczyński, Ph.D. –a historian of literature from the Department of Rhetoric and Media at the Institute of Applied Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw, film producer specialising in documentaries on cultural and social issues. The discussion was chaired by Tomasz Tyczyński.
At that time a rising star of the Polish rock
The concert was given within the framework of the 23rd International Festival of Organ and Chamber Music, Radom-Orońsko (the event was held within our cycle The Place of Culture, Local Culture).
A performance by Anna Chodakowska.
Artistic picnic co-organised by the Witold Gombrowicz Museum and Wsola-Pomost Foundation.
Adrian Szary, a poet and a Polish language teacher presented to children his poems and fairy-tales from the cycle Szarówki czyli bajki do czytania o zmierzchu/Gray of the Day or Fairy-Tales to Be Read at Twilight (a meeting within The Place of Culture, Local Culture cycle).
Of freedom in the Internet, information society, copyright and public debate in the context of civil rights – Dominika Świtkowska talked to Jarosław Lipszyc
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